

U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. 登录SlateConnect.


自1997年起, 欧洲杯买球双学分计划 has offered students the opportunity to enroll and earn credit for college and high school simultaneously. 该计划扩大了全州高中的学分机会, 包括提供大学在线和校内课程的注册. Credits earned through the U of I can be applied to their U of I college graduation or transferred to other colleges or universities.


Further your instructional and disciplinary expertise and learn new models for teaching dual credit courses.



有兴趣参观校园,找到更多的方法来支持你的双学分学生? 今天就报名参观吧!



All 双重信用 老师 are required to attend at least one U of I professional development event per semester to receive program updates, services and discipline-specific interactions that will further enhance pedagogy and breadth of knowledge in the discipline.

双学分计划可以创建在 I大学通识教育课程. Gen Ed courses meet the high school graduation requirements set by the university and the state; these courses offer an opportunity not only to lay the foundations of a career but also to develop the mind to its highest potential, to cultivate the imagination as well as the power to reason and to gain the intellectual curiosity that makes education a life-long pursuit.

A student working toward a baccalaureate degree must complete the necessary course work in the seven categories described below (J-3-a到J-3-g).

的 high school teacher must meet the same qualifications as those met by U of I faculty within the academic department. Most Academic departments require instructors to hold at least a Master’s degree in the content area of the course requested.

教师应用程序 >>

请联系双学分计划 dualcredit@mingdatoy.com 讨论在双学分课程目录中增加一门新课程.


  • 高中学区管理员批准
  • 欧洲杯买球学院院长批准
  • 指定的教员联络记录
  • 经批准的高中教师申请
  • 已完成的谅解备忘录

期末成绩将于 截止日期的中午.


教师通过MyUI输入成绩和修改成绩. Final grades are not viewable to students until they are processed and posted by the Registrar after the end of term date. 成绩更正可以在提交原成绩一年后提交(e.g. 2017年秋季的原始成绩可以在2018年秋季的最后一天更改。. Submitting final grades for incomplete or in-progress grades are considered grade corrections and follow the correction process.


如果学生的最终成绩是 F (失败)或 N (无通行证/英语),根据联邦法规,还必须输入最后出席日期. 的 最后出席日期 必须以正确的格式输入 MM / DD / YYYY 并且必须在上课日期内完成. An entry error will occur if the date is not entered correctly, and no entries will be saved. Error messages will be displayed at the top of the roster as well as to the right of the student(s) listed.

双重信用 teaching partners are assigned a Vandal account to be used for accessing computers, 网络驱动器, 打印机, Canvas, 和MyUI. 的 U of I e邮件 is used as the official method of communication and will be shared during the onboarding process.

将新帐户填充到U of I服务中可能需要长达24小时的时间. 如果您在此之后遇到问题,请联系OIT support@mingdatoy.com 或208-885-4357 (HELP),选项2.


第一次使用帐户,教学合作伙伴将访问“账户管理页,使用NetID/用户名从新创建的电子邮件帐户登录.g., joevandal ——@uidaho.Edu),并选择更改密码的选项.

After the password has been set, the account must be enrolled into DUO multi-factor authentication. 这可以通过打开一个新的浏览器(如Edge、Chrome或Firefox),并访问 两人设置 页面.

一旦密码已更新,并且该帐户已注册DUO, 该帐户将可以使用.


要在任何地方使用web浏览器访问电子邮件,请转到 邮件.mingdatoy.com/. Instructions for setting up a preferred e邮件 client can be found on the Office of Information (OIT) 常见问题页面.



Teaching partner accounts will be deleted if the association with U of I ends or if there are any violations of the 伊利诺伊大学可接受使用政策.


密码可在任何时候通过访问 账户管理 具有当前活动密码或最近过期密码的页面. It is advised that passwords are changed often to maintain a high level of security both for individual accounts and the U of I network.


OIT保留禁用密码容易被猜出的账户的权利. 如果忘记密码,请访问 账户管理 页面并点击“点击这里重置密码”链接.

的 University of Idaho’s 学生行为准则 was developed in partnership with University of Idaho students and faculty and approved by the Idaho Board of Regents.  It exists to educate students in understanding their rights and responsibilities as members of a safe, 公民和道德的学术团体. 完整的信息可以在 学生主任办公室.

  • 教学合作伙伴 should submit their syllabus before the first week in September to their 教师联络人 for review and approval. 批准的教学大纲应使用教学大纲模板提交给双学分办公室.
  • FLs have two weeks from when they are back on contract in August to review and approve/offer feedback on syllabi to teaching partners.
  • All syllabi should be approved and submitted to the 双重信用 Program by the FL by the second Friday of September. 批准的教学大纲应通过电子邮件发送至 dualcredit@mingdatoy.com
  • A reminder e邮件 will be sent to all partners by the second week of August with these reminders.

提醒一下, all dual credit courses should use the syllabi template and include the following information:

  • 欧洲杯买球双学分计划标志
  • 课程的大学学习成果
  • 欧洲杯买球评分标准



  1. 向学生介绍大学的文化.
  2. 在开课前完成新教师培训.
  3. 每学期至少参加一次教师提供的专业发展课程.
  4. 提交年度课程大纲以供审查/批准.
  5. 在双学分课程页面上确认每个学期的课程准确性.
  6. 分发经批准的课程大纲, 包括注册, 对学生的退学截止日期.
  7. 在课程注册的第一周核实汪达尔人名册, 再次在退课截止日期之前和退课之前确保注册的准确性.
  8. 提醒学生完成MyUI帐户中的课程结束评估.


    • 提交大学教学大纲 & High School Syllabi template before the start of the course with matching learning outcomes (SLO)
    • Invite your mentor for a Site 访问 the first semester of the first-course offering and then every other year.
    • Meet with your mentor to collaborate on professional development once a semester to complete a total of 8 hours per academic year. (8月至7月)


  1. 支持学区内的双学分计划.
  2. 作为高中生之间的联络人, 父母, 老师, 员工与社会双学分.
  3. 支持高中教师作为伊利诺伊大学的兼职教学伙伴.
  4. 与双学分计划合作,解决任何问题或疑虑.

双学分教师可以申请一张汪达尔卡,并访问明尼苏达大学的资源. 将联系双学分办公室核实与该计划的合作关系.


要访问MyUI以验证课程花名册,检查学生状态等. 请注意,两位外长将用于所有U of I帐户和大多数系统. 在您获得之前,请在个人信息选项卡中完成FERPA教程.

  1. 登入MyUI     
    • 首次用户:破坏者设置
    • 输入您的NetID (e).g., joevandal ——@uidaho.Edu)和密码
    • 如果您的NET ID有数字,则您使用的是学生帐户(joev1234 ——@vandals.uidaho.Edu),这是错误的账户.
    • 如果您遗失了网号,请发送电子邮件至 dualcredit@mingdatoy.com.
    • 使用以下命令批准登录 多因素身份验证(MFA)
  2. 完成FERPA教程
    • Click on the FERPA Tutorial link inside MyUI ➔ Personal Information ➔ Take the FERPA Tutorial
    • 注意:FERPA教程完成24小时后,学院 & 将出现顾问菜单.
    • 你的网络ID用于校园电脑,Canvas, 无线网络MyUI和汪达尔邮件.
  3. 学生名单


  1. 确保您的帐户已注册 两位外长. 下载DUO移动应用程序 安卓, ISO 或者请求 令牌.
  2. 重置密码:安全配置文件“点击这里重置密码”并按照说明操作
  3. 仍然无法登录? 联系OIT支持,并表明自己的身份 双学分教师.

支持请求应提交到他们的票务系统使用 以下选项之一:

Verify the enrollment accuracy in MyUI one week after registration according to your MOU section 8; to ensure your student list matches your high school roster. Verification is also important before the drop and withdrawal deadlines to ensure your student's requests are processed; students who moved from the high school, 换了班或者取消了大学学分.

  1. 注册完成后
  2. 之前 下降的最后期限
  3. 之前 撤军的最后期限

Provide a copy of the MyUI class roster to your high school’s Advance Opportunities liaison to confirm the accuracy of entries in the Advanced Opportunities portal.


欲了解更多信息,请访问 知识库


莫斯科,ID 83844

电子邮件: dualcredit@mingdatoy.com

网络: 双重信用